Author: Barbie

Topic of meeting: sustaining forest protection after present EGIP funded project ceases to exist Location: Macatabo, Carmen, Baguio District, Davao City Participants: Representation of the community including Datu Lamdin and Mam Nilda Datu  Quimpo Subuan of the Obu Manuvu Council of Elders PEF Sirs Jayson and Joshua EGIP: Alec van Dierendonck...

Second Phase (2014) of the forest protection scheme with the Obu-Manuvu Indigenous People (IP) in sitio Macatabo of Barangay Carmen, Davao City Main Activities I.    Social Prep/ INFO/Education /Advocacy/refresher II.    Capacity building and Refreshers a.   Training on forest protection and law enforcement b.   Deputation Training of the 39 Forest...