EGIPF envisions to serve nature and people with excellence in environmental protection and conservation of biodiversity in an environmentally friendly manner while sustainably improving the livelihood of resilient communities. It is also an integrated effort that includes food security, community development, health and education, all crucial components to conserve and protect Nature.
EGIPF commits to support the conservation of the environment and all life forms within that have emerged over millions of years of evolution. EGIPF believes that alleviating poverty of indigenous people living in or near natural habitats is crucial as such conditions could potentially lead to increased deterioration of the environment.
- To empower communities in program areas to become guardians to preserve the wealth of their ecosystem
- To provide assistance to tribal communities with protecting their AD in terms of preservation of their tribal culture and rights and their culture
- Where feasible, EGIPF will continue to support the Indigenous Cultural Communities (ICC) in terms of health and education through engaging third parties.
- To optimize the support to the ICCs, EGIPF partners and collaborates with different organizations supporting and advocating forest protection, biodiversity conservation and sustainable community development.