EGIPF works and collaborates with different organizations and government agencies to strengthen our efforts and implement our current programs and projects.

Funding Partners

A public or private organization or companies that supported our projects, activities, events, materials and equipment or any activity related to the organization.

Indigenous People's Organization

An organization within a tribal community where EGIPF has projects and programs.

Government Agencies

Specific national government offices which EGIPF have on-going partnerships and collaborations. It is either the whole project or in a specific activity.

Local Government Agencies

Local Government offices that currently involved with EGIPF for the implementation of current project and activities.

Academe and Universities

These are schools, colleges, and universities who actively participated in some events/activities conducted by EGIPF and who also involved us in some of their activities and events. They also sent their volunteers or students as part of their internship program.

Media Partners

Trusted media practitioners that helps the organization cover the events or activities as part of communication, education and public relation. They also participated some environmental events that the EGIPF organized.

Other Partners

A public or private organization or companies, academe, and business establishments that partners or collaborates with EGIPF with their activities and event in a particular time. They are usually contact us if they have environmental events or activities that needs our assistance or expertise like a tree planting event.