The Obu-Manuvu Indigenous Cultural Community in Sitio Macatabo evaluated the second year “Forest Protection cum Livelihood” project implemented at their Ancestral Domain in Barangay Carmen last June 17, 2013. The project is financially supported by the Euro Generics International Philippines (EGIP) Foundation and the project’s components were facilitated by different NGO’s and sectors; the Philippine Eagle Foundation (PEF) facilitated the forest protection and rehabilitation, PCEEM facilitated the sustainable livelihood, Mindanawon facilitated the education, and Dr. Ruben Robillo facilitated the health component.
This reports outlined the results of the evaluation.
The Obu Manuvu ICC participated the evaluation headed by their tribal leader, Datu Paulino Landim. The Program Consultant of EGIP, Mr. Wiebe van Rij, was also present during the evaluation. The National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP) also sent representatives, Mr. Chris Ingay of NCIP-Toril and a staff from NCIP-Calinan. Facilitators of the components were likewise present, the Philippine Eagle Foundation, PCEEM, and Mindanawon.
Prior to evaluation, Datu Landim extended his gratitude to EGIP as well as to the facilitating NGOs for the second year of the project. He reiterated that even if unfortunate happened to one of their forest guard, Mr. Paulino Landim Jr., the project still continued and still came successful.
Each facilitator provided report of the progress of the component. The Forest Protection Officer (FPO) of PEF, Joshua Donato, the Agriculture Specialist of PCEEM, Mr. Ian Cabales, Mindanawon teacher, Ms. Jean Manial, and Ms. Rodelyn Aggas, a trained local health officer, reported the progress of each component.
It was reported that despite the incident happened to Jun Landim, the project still continued. Two components were merged, facilitated by PEF and PCEEM, to establish nursery instead of proceeding to patrolling and monitoring inside their AD and to continue farming for the sustainable livelihood due to the conflict of NPA and the government.
The FPO reported the accomplishments of forest protection component such as a) providing insurance to forest guards, b) providing necessary equipment for patrolling, and c) formulating an indigenous based monitoring system.
After the FPO reported the forest protection component, the community started the evaluation facilitated by the NCIP. The forest guards were asked what are their concerns regarding patrolling and the forest protection component. Except for providing additional equipment e.g. flashlights, patrol bags and long sleeves uniform, there were no other main concerns raised.
After the evaluation, the Project Coordinator of PEF, Giovanne Tampos, discussed the proposed activities for the next phase. Trainings especially on deputation will be prioritized the following year. Boundary markings of the AD will also be done beginning at the areas close to communities. They agreed to mark the boundaries with bamboo at minimum distance of 10m. The forest guards also chose Phil Health benefit compare to SSS. Their accident insurance will still be effective for a year. Furthermore, the forest guards requested transportation from Sitio Macatabo to Purok 8, the beginning of the transect line for patrolling. Their request will be included on the next year’s proposal but still subject for EGIP’s approval. It was explained also that the project for the next year will only start when the situations settled down. The project is expected to start in September but still would depend upon the peace and order of the area.
After the evaluation, the participants went to the established nursery site. The site was already cleared, fenced and the stock room was already set up.
Contributed by:
Joshua L. Donato and Giovanne G. Tampos
Philippine Eagle Foundation