Project Validation and Site Visits

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Project Validation and Site Visits

In connection with several meetings and presentations of the proposed community-based tourism project for Obu-Manuvu community in Barangay Carmen, Baguio District, Davao City, project site visits with partner agencies were also conducted to give them an up-close view of the entire structures and activities of the project and to give suggestions on how to improve the site while the construction of the structures is still in progress. In addition, a site visit for the validation of the Farm to Market Access Trail Project was also conducted.

On June 29, 2018, Mr. Max Guenter of GIZ and NCIP visited the site with EGIP Foundation Incorporators Mr. Alec van Dierendonck, Mrs. Bing van Dierendonck and Mr. Wiebe van Rij. Mr. Guenter is also a representative of the Schmitz Foundation, the funding partner of the EGIP Foundation for the Farm to Market Access Trail Project of the Obu-Manuvu community. The main objective of the visit was an actual site view and to present to Mr. Guenter the output and outcomes of the project. In addition, to introduce to him the proposed Eco-cultural tourism initiative of the Obu-Manuvu to be a part of the proposal of EGIPF to seek funding support from the Schmitz Foundation.

On the other hand, the Obu-Manuvu community welcomed their visitors from BLGU-Carmen headed by Hon. Alfredo Austral Sr. and his council, 3rd Infantry Battalion of Malagos District and Baguio District Police in their proposed tribal village at the peak of the Karilongan area on July 6, 2018. At the peak, a short program was prepared. Mr. Alec van Dierendonck, President and Mr. Wiebe van Rij, Vice President of EGIP foundation, gave a short message to briefly introduce the EGIP Foundation and its activities/projects with the Obu-Manuvu community. Also, on behalf of the Obu-Manuvu community, Bae Nilda Landim expressed her thoughts on the relevance of the project as well as her appreciation for the active participation of the visitors. Furthermore, the community welcomed their visitors with their traditional welcome dance while giving them traditional beads. Finally, the short program ended with a small feast  of traditional and local foods prepared by the tribe.

Another visit for the proposed community based tourism project was done on July 20-21, 2018 with the Sunrise Bridge Travel Agency (SBT) owned by Mr. and Ms. Quiogue. SBT is the partner travel and tour agency of the Obu-Manuvu community. The couple experienced an overnight stay in the tribal village where native foods and drinks were served. They also experienced the birdwatching and forest walk activity early in the morning (two of the highlight activities of the Obu-Manuvu Eco-Cultural Adventure), witnessed the sunrise view in Bollad ‘To Manama and visited the farms of the tribe. Photo shooting was also done to be used in marketing and promoting tours. Moreover, on July 23, 2018, the Department of Tourism XI headed by RED Antonio Blanco also visited the site.


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