Project Progress – Farm to Market Access Trail Project

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Project Progress – Farm to Market Access Trail Project

EGIP Foundation is assisting the Obu-Manuvu Indigenous Community in Sitio Macatabo, Barangay Carmen in Davao City since 2011. The project is about protecting and rehabilitating remaining forests in their Ancestral Domain in the uplands of Davao City through capacity building and regular foot patrolling in the area. To make the forest protection sustainable in the long run, EGIP, within its capacity, is providing support for sustainable agricultural development and eco-tourism to increase community income that can make resources available for forest protection.

Farming is the main source of income of the IP’s in Sitio Macatabo.The farms of the IP’s are about 2km from their residences and they can only go there using a rough, slippery, unpaved trail through a mountainous area with steep slopes. With this, the EGIP Foundation collaborated with the Schmitz-Stiftungen (Foundation) to improve the trail from the IP community going to their farms. The Schmitz Foundation is a Non-Profit Organization based in Germany who supports mainly three major sectors of development work :(i) Basic education and training (principally in manual trades and job training); (ii) Securing basic living standards by promoting small-scale commercial activities (examples: micro-credits schemes, agriculture and food security); and (iii) Social and charitable projects (examples: work with the handicapped, care for the elderly, rehabilitation of street children and support for disadvantaged minorities).

The objective of the project is to have a good and improved trail that will enable farmers to easily access their farmlands and transport their farm products, by concreting the existing trail. An improved farm to market trail will also facilitate eco-tourism as the trail passes scenic and bird watching spots. A concrete foot trail of approximately 2000 meter long, 1 meter wide and 10 cm thick is the expected output of the project.

The construction of the concrete trail was started in August 2017 and is currently on going. As of now, more or less 250 meters of concrete trail were done and IPs are continuously getting paid ( food for work ) to do the construction under supervision by EGIP staff.The project is expected to finish by end of April 2018.

The objective of the project is to have a good and improved trail that will enable farmers to easily access their farmlands and transport their farm products by concreting the existing trail. An improved farm to market trail will also facilitate eco-tourism as the trail passes a bird watching spot. A concrete foot trail of an approximately 2000 meter long, 1 meter wide and 10 cm thick is the expected output of the project.

The construction of the concrete trail was started last August 2017 and currently on going.As of now, more or less 250 meters concrete trail were done and IPs are continuously getting paid ( food for work ) to do the construction under supervision by EGIP staff.The project is expected to finish by end of April 2018.


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