General meeting with the NCIP, IP from Carmen ,PEF, PCEEM

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EGIP Proposal with 4 components: forest protection, sustainable agriculture, health and education


In the EGIP proposal there are 4 components i.e.

  1. Forest protection and rain forestation +/-1950 HAs
  2. Sustainable agriculture support
  3. Support for community health services
  4. Support for education

Planned   General   Steps for 2nd phase

EGIP Foundation with PEF and PCEEM will do the coordination/linking

  • Community procurement of seedlings, tools, supplies, materials for nurseries,
  • Facilitation services in respect of procurement provided by PEF and PCEEM
  • Seedling production in community nursery by community
  • Seedling production for rain forestation and  critical areas such as gullies, slopes, creeks, riverbanks, etc.
  • EGIP proposal in respect of livelihood is through providing support for sustainable agriculture/agro-forestry and marketing on 151 Has of  as delineated and as agreed with ICC
  • This involves, training, extension & technology transfer, exchange visits, inputs for seedlings, goats, model farm development;  all based on individual farm plans
  • Facilitation by PCEEM/PEF
  • Information campaigns by PEF and PCEEM
  • Areas are already delineated (1st phase) and divided in dense and open forest, dense and open bush, some grass land, existing farm land of ICC members (including critical areas; see above )

Covered similarly by EGIP proposal, gullies, slopes, creeks, riverbanks, etc.  Community led, facilitated by PCEEM

Forest protection/rehab in forest areas:

  • 1953 HAs as per ICC/PCEEM survey designated as permanent forest solely to be protected and rehabilitated where needed to promote biodiversity there incl.
  • Community nursery establishment for forest tree seedlings supplies
  • Planting of forest seedlings/wildlings by community (25 HAs rain forestation)
  • Protection by community forest guards

EGIP programme for 10 years

Community led

A. Education:
School children feeding programme

B. Health:
Creating hygienic conditions and sanitation facilities
Permanent health post in Macatabo


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