EGIP Proposal with 4 components: forest protection, sustainable agriculture, health and education
In the EGIP proposal there are 4 components i.e.
- Forest protection and rain forestation +/-1950 HAs
- Sustainable agriculture support
- Support for community health services
- Support for education
Planned General Steps for 2nd phase
EGIP Foundation with PEF and PCEEM will do the coordination/linking
- Community procurement of seedlings, tools, supplies, materials for nurseries,
- Facilitation services in respect of procurement provided by PEF and PCEEM
- Seedling production in community nursery by community
- Seedling production for rain forestation and critical areas such as gullies, slopes, creeks, riverbanks, etc.
- EGIP proposal in respect of livelihood is through providing support for sustainable agriculture/agro-forestry and marketing on 151 Has of as delineated and as agreed with ICC
- This involves, training, extension & technology transfer, exchange visits, inputs for seedlings, goats, model farm development; all based on individual farm plans
- Facilitation by PCEEM/PEF
- Information campaigns by PEF and PCEEM
- Areas are already delineated (1st phase) and divided in dense and open forest, dense and open bush, some grass land, existing farm land of ICC members (including critical areas; see above )
Covered similarly by EGIP proposal, gullies, slopes, creeks, riverbanks, etc. Community led, facilitated by PCEEM
Forest protection/rehab in forest areas:
- 1953 HAs as per ICC/PCEEM survey designated as permanent forest solely to be protected and rehabilitated where needed to promote biodiversity there incl.
- Community nursery establishment for forest tree seedlings supplies
- Planting of forest seedlings/wildlings by community (25 HAs rain forestation)
- Protection by community forest guards
EGIP programme for 10 years
Community led
A. Education:
School children feeding programme
B. Health:
Creating hygienic conditions and sanitation facilities
Permanent health post in Macatabo