First Community Visit

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On October 2, 2010 the incorporators and staff of theEGIP Foundation visited theProject site – Purok 1,Macatabo in barangay Carmen, Baquio District Davao City in order to bring forth their intentions for the community. The group met with the Datu of Purok 1/Macataboalong with Obu-Manuvu tribal councilmembers.

The main agenda undertaken was a presentation and discussion of the general proposal by EGIP Foundation by presenting a first draft of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

The primary objective of the Programme is that at least 80% of the 3400 hectares will be officially declared as protected forest and where needed depleted areas will be regenerated naturally or with support from the Programme.

There will also be recommendations regarding sustainable income generating activities that can be derived from forest resources in a sustainable manner with the obvious exception of logging. Other income generating activities like sustainable agriculture in specially agreed and delineated areas for farming in the Ancestral Domain area as well as off-farm income generating activities will also be explored and supported.

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